7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

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Re: 7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

Post by billion_fan »

milneh wrote:Hi All, I've connected my 7800N successfully using an OpenReach modem but I'm getting significantly lower connection speeds that the SKY supplied SR102.

I started from a cleanly reset device with the latest firmware (1.06h.dt2) and setup was straightforward. I've checked and not set any further settings for QoS or Virtual Server. I also noted some prior comments about VLAN setting of 101 but in the latest version of the firmware I only can see an options for VLAN mux '802.1Q VLAN ID' within the WAN profile advanced settings page. Enabling this and the internet connection doesn't work. I've also set the 7800N mac address to mirror the SR102 WAN address

Any ideas on how to improve the connection speed or has it reduced due to the number of connection restart I've made
Normally if you don't have QOS or any URL filtering etc configured you should be able to achieve around 70mbps+ from a wired connection test.

If you kept restarting your open reach modem, DLM might of dropped your speeds

You can try plugging in up your SR102 directly to the open reach modem (without restarting the open reach modem) and see what the speeds are like (obviously you will have to use EWAN/WAN port on the SR102 to make a connection between the open reach modem and the SR102)
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Re: 7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

Post by milneh »

Thanks for the suggestions. Testing the SR102 plugged into the OpenReach modem, the speed is also similar to what I'm getting with the 7800N, just 8MB. So I guess it could be the openreach modem (B focus ECI V-2FUb/r Rev.B). Previously with the SR102 on its own I would get around 11-12Mb

Has anyone had any other experiences like this and has swapping the OpenReach model helped for example?
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Re: 7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

Post by milneh »

I let the connection with the OpenReach model run for just under a week now and the speed didn't increase. I then plugging the line back into the SR102 and the speed increased back to what I achieved before. It does appear that using the openreach modem reduced my speed with both the 7800N and SR102. I also noticed that the external MAC address on the SR102 changed (increased in value by one) which I thought was interesting.

Any views on if another OpenReach modem may improve over the SR102 performance or should I find another use for the 7800N?
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Re: 7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

Post by cuongbmktv »

Fantastic news - great job guys
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Re: 7800N Sky FTTC test firmware now working (UPDATED 16/5)

Post by adamdevine3 »

Thank you commenters, You help me alot.
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